Sunday School
Sunday School classes are provided for all ages, pre-school through adult. Check out our Connect pages for more information.
If you are in the Greater Lafayette area, please contact the church office to arrange transportation.
Our facilities are completely accessible. An elevator gives access to all levels of the church building. All restrooms are handicapped-accessible.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a special time for First Church. It is normally held at both services the first Sunday of each month. Special observances of Holy communion are announced.
United Methodists believe in the baptism of infants as well as adults. It is the sacrament through which we are initiated into the Body of Christ, the Church. It is observed in the context of worship and may be scheduled on any Sunday except communion days, through the church office. Parents are asked to meet with the pastor prior to the sacrament.
Weddings are arranged through the church office. Pastors expect to counsel with persons seeking to be married at First Church.
The death of a loved one is a tender time for families. Church members and their families are encouraged to have the service of resurrection in the sanctuary. Arrangements are made through the church office and with one or more of the pastors.
Special Worship Services
First Church holds special services for the major holidays of the Christian year, including Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve. Sign up for the newsletter to receive information about special services.