Adult Sunday School Class is held in Room 211 at 9:45 am on Sundays. We will not meet on the first Sunday of each month due to the Fellowship Bruch served from 10:00 – 11:00 am in the AC.

Are the Ten Commandments a set of rules, or a way of life?
How does each one call us to reflect and to act? 
What does it mean to love God and our neighbor in a world where violence, greed, and fear threaten our lives, our values, our hearts?

Joan Chittister (engaging, smart, and funny!) answers these and other questions in a twelve week series consisting of one video per commandment each week (approx. 15 min.) plus two more shedding light on the two Great Commandments, “Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.” 

Please join this class in a lively response to Joan Chittister’s thoughts (or feel free to just sit in and listen!). See the video trailer below for a sample.


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