“For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” – Philippians 2:13 NRSVUE

My heart overflows with gratitude and thanksgiving for this church. On Sunday, October 22, we concluded our Consecration season with a meal together. For the last five weeks, we’ve focused on the communion table as a touchstone for what it means to live together in community. We’ve listened to stories from people who have recently discovered First Church, sharing that they have found a home here full of welcome, hospitality, and grace. Each week, the stories have been accompanied by reminders from the early church—Paul’s letters to those who were growing Christian communities in the ancient world, encouraging them to follow the model set by Christ. And so, on this fifth and final Sunday, we invited folks to offer their commitments to the ministries of First Church and to our work for 2024.

There are so many things that I saw last Sunday that warmed my heart. It began the moment I walked in the door. What a thrill to see our Narthex space so close to completion. The construction crew from Simon Construction worked extra hard to wrap up as many details as possible so the space was ready to show on the morning of Consecration Sunday. Thank you to the First Church Governance Board and Foundation for investing in this visual expression of hospitality through the rejuvenation of our church entryway. There’s a little left to do, but we’re almost there!

Worship was amazing. I’m always blown away by the talent of our First Up praise band. And then in the Celebrate service, our music ministries hit a grand slam home run with the combined musical numbers of the Chancel Choir, the Bell Choir, and the Steinway piano with the trill of Ellie Boyer’s flute floating above it all! Thank you to Charis Vander Plaats and Kathy Lind for their leadership in bringing these talented musicians together for one spectacular piece.

But, of course, the highlight of it all was sitting down together for a meal. What a joy it was to see faces, new and old, sitting together, renewing and building friendships. We had out-of-town guests worshipping with us who remarked how wonderful First Church is and how they love to attend when they are visiting their child at Purdue. We also had new Purdue students attend for the first time that Sunday who accepted our invitation to stay and join us for the meal.

I’m so grateful to the leadership of the First Church Governance Board and Foundation who organized and provided the financial resources for the meal. They shared with our community the important work the Foundation has done in 2023 to advance the ministries and missions of First Church. We celebrated the fabulous new electronic sign at our church entryway, the beautifully renovated Narthex space, and a new digital piano for our music ministries. We also highlighted First Church’s investment in the lives of young people. We celebrated the award of the Straszheim and Patterson scholarships. You can read more about that here.

The highlight of the meal for me was extending the invitation for folks to walk forward and “touch the basket” as a visible gesture of their commitment to the ministries of First Church for 2024. For some, the commitment was a financial pledge; for others, the giving of their time and talent, or a simple expression of participation in a new community they are discovering. It was a response to God’s love and grace. In our Great Prayer of Thanksgiving, we say, “Pour out your spirit upon these gifts.” The steady stream of people walking forward to touch the basket was a sacramental act; a demonstration of how we respond to God’s love, and in return, commit ourselves to spreading that love in the world. Thank you, First Church, for being so full of grace, love, and hospitality. I am grateful to witness and contribute to this beloved community, as we continue to build upon the foundation laid by those who came before us for God’s kingdom.

Thanks be to God,

Pastor Duane


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